Chen-Yu is a Ph.D. candidate at KAUST expecting to graduate in Spring 2023. He started his M.S./Ph.D. in fall, 2018.
His research focuses in tackling the network communication bottleneck of distributed deep learning training workloads.
During his time at Academia Sinica, Taiwan, Chen-Yu worked on techniques for digitalizing handwriting and ancient Chinese calligraphy.
Ph.D. in Computer Science, 2023
King Abdullah University of Science and Technology
M.S. in Computer Science, 2019
King Abdullah University of Science and Technology
B.S. in Engineering Science and Ocean Engineering, 2016
National Taiwan University
JUNCTIONxKAUST 2018 second prize. Integrate Augmented Reality to indoor navigation.
DAIET performs data aggregation along network paths using programmable network devices to alleviate communication bottlenecks in distributed machine learning systems
Evaluate different processors architectures and programming environment and to reach the technical specifications provided by the chip manufacturers
Extract handwritten Chinese characters from manuscripts
A simple API for the incredible handwriting recognition of Google IME
efficiently embed Chinese fonts to webpages
Last Update: January 2023